When I use .git init .git file is always subconscious by default, I have to always unselect the subconscious selection in properties. What is the way I can modify this default setting?

Also when I del .git only the config,clarification and Head file are deleted,non the entire .git folder. How can I alter this default setting so I don't have to always unhide after git init ?

I'g using windows 8.1

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asked Sep 21, 2019 at 13:05

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  • My (piffling chip oriented...) two cent: use the git bash command line (I suppose you are using git for windows) and you'll never e'er bother with this again: ls -a to listing all files/folders including hidden, rm -rf .git to remove the local repo and references.

    Sep 21, 2019 at thirteen:35

3 Answers 3


(Windows-but) If true, mark newly-created directories and files whose name starts with a dot as hidden. If dotGitOnly, only the .git/ directory is hidden, only no other files starting with a dot. The default fashion is dotGitOnly.

                > git config --global cadre.hideDotFiles fake                              

answered February 9 at 18:02

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I'd guess yous should just be able to blazon "show hidden files and folders" into your search bar on Windows and turn on show all file extensions, and subconscious files. That should work and then. Or run ls -a to view all files in that directory also.

answered Sep 21, 2019 at thirteen:33

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Personally, I call up it is in your best interest that it stays hidden.

But in case you lot still desire information technology to exist visible.

I recommend y'all enable show hidden files folder view option on your windows.

enter image description here

This way the hidden .git folder will always be visible whenever you git init

answered Sep 21, 2019 at 13:46

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  • That is what I have to do everytime ..merely the purpose of asking this question was to know if at that place is any other mode around. I mean not having to select "testify hidden folders"

    Sep 21, 2019 at xviii:43

  • From my findings, this is the only option we have. On my system, I keep the choice on all the time. Have a great time @AjiteshRanjan

    Sep 22, 2019 at 20:22

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